DSI launches the AML register Posted on June 2, 2024 at 8:47 pm.Written by Roeland Jongejan Today, June 3, 2024, DSI will launch the DSI Anti Money Laundering (AML) register. With this, we are taking an important step towards increasing the trust and competence of professionals in the AML sector. This initiative is the result of close collaboration between AML professionals in the financial sector, leading educators, and DSI. “With the launch of this new DSI register, we provide a uniform solution for registering the knowledge and integrity of AML professionals working in the financial sector. Certified professionals thus demonstrate their competence,” said Floris Mreijen, Executive Director at DSI. DSI Accredited Educators: VU Amsterdam and ACAMS To complete a registration, AML professionals must have completed training with a DSI-accredited educator. The DSI Accreditation Committee, in collaboration with experts from the DSI Advisory committee on Compliance Professionals, has accredited two educational institutions: VU Amsterdam and ACAMS. Other educators may follow in the near future. Floris Mreijen, managing director of DSI, signs the DSI accreditation for the FEC-Risk Expert program at VU Amsterdam together with Tom Loonen, professor and program director of FEC-Risk Expert. VU Amsterdam: Certified FEC-Risk Expert “This accreditation is an important recognition by the DSI Accreditation Committee that our program meets stringent quality criteria,” says Tom Loonen, Program Director of FEC-Risk Expert at VU Amsterdam. “We are therefore pleased that our students can be directly admitted to this register.” Click here for more information about the FEC-Risk Expert program at VU. ACAMS: CAMS-Certificering “It is a distinct honor and responsibility for ACAMS to be appointed an accredited DSI educator. This designation provides ACAMS-trained anti-financial crime professionals in the Netherlands with further recognition, demonstrating their high level of competency and commitment. We applaud the launch of the DSI Anti-Money Laundering (AML) register, which sets a new industry benchmark, and thank DSI for entrusting ACAMS with this important mandate.” – Neil Sternthal, CEO of ACAMS. Click here for more information about the CAMS certification from ACAMS. Demonstrable competence via the DSI AML Register Registration in the AML register confirms that a professional meets the high uniform competence requirements of both DSI and the sector itself. Additionally, registration offers various benefits to both the professional and their employer: Recognition: With DSI certification, professionals distinguish themselves as qualified AML experts in the financial sector. Demonstrable competence: With certification from DSI, you are demonstrably competent to clients and colleagues via the DSI Public Register. Integrity: DSI stands for integrity in the financial world, and our certification highlights the professional’s commitment to this important principle. Career opportunities: With DSI registration, professionals enhance their chances for career development and new growth opportunities in the financial sector. Professional development: Certified individuals continue to develop through access to the DSI Continuing Professional Education program. How can professionals register? The certification process at DSI is simple and transparent. Registration is always done via our website. Interested parties can also read the conditions that a professional must meet to be fully DSI certified. Interested? For more information about the register or to sign up, please contact DSI via email at certification@dsi.nl or call us at (+31) 020-620 12 74. You can also find all the details on our website: www.dsi.nl/en/aml.
Termination of passive certified status Posted on August 28, 2023 at 11:46 am.Written by Roeland Jongejan From January 1, 2024, DSI will discontinue offering the passive registered status. DSI is providing passive registrants the opportunity to convert their registration to a (candidate) certification before this date. All passive registrants have been informed about this option through personal emails. Why is DSI discontinuing the passive registration status? With a DSI Certification, professionals in the investment sector demonstrate their competence and stay updated on the latest developments in integrity, knowledge, and skills. Passive registration was introduced in the past to temporarily exempt certified individuals from the obligations associated with certification. Passive certified individuals do not meet the requirements of a DSI Certification. As this no longer aligns with our current DSI registry policy, we are discontinuing this status and offering an alternative. How to convert a passive registration? To be certified by DSI, you need to be employed by a participant affiliated with DSI. If you currently work for an organization that is not a DSI participant and you wish to convert your passive registration, we advise discussing the option of becoming a DSI participant with your employer. After your employer’s acceptance as a participant, you will go through a process to convert your passive registration to active registration. Click this link for more information on enrolling your employer as a participant. Reactivate your certification If you currently work for an employer affiliated with DSI but are passively certified, you can directly reactivate your certification through your MyDSI account. In MyDSI, you can request a change from passive registration. Click the “I want to change my passive registration” button in MyDSI for more information. Click here for (re)activation of a passive DSI registration Competency requirements for DSI registries When (re)activating your certification, you must fulfill all competency components of the respective registry. Click here to gain immediate insight into the associated competency requirements per registry. If you haven’t met all competency requirements yet, no problem – you will be candidate-certified until all components are fulfilled. Respond by January 1, 2024 If we do not receive a response from passively certified individuals by January 1, 2024, the registration with DSI will be automatically terminated. We extend our gratitude to all certified individuals for their involvement with DSI and invite everyone to subscribe to the DSI newsletter to stay informed about future developments. More information If you need more information about your DSI registration or if you are passively certified and have not received a letter from us, please contact us through our contact form or call our Customer Care Officers at 020-6201274. They are here to assist you.
DSI stopped screening professionals Posted on April 1, 2022 at 11:43 am.Written by Roeland Jongejan Starting from 1 April 2022, it is no longer possible to request a DSI screening if the screening is not part of a DSI certification process. DSI will cease conducting screenings entirely as of 30 June 2022. DSI will continue with screenings as part of a DSI certification request for the time being. Focus on core task The DSI Foundation has decided to scale back DSI’s screening activities in 2022. This choice was motivated by the foundation’s aim to focus on its core task. DSI was founded more than 20 years ago as a self-regulation institution for the financial sector. DSI Foundation’s core task is to work with the sector to ensure that society has greater trust in the financial sector. DSI does that by: Formulating norms for knowledge, skills en integrity; Accrediting examinations and educational programmes; Certifying professionals who meet the stated DSI norms, and listing these professionals in the DSI Public Register; Holding Certified Professionals accountable for violations of the DSI Code of Conduct through DSI Ethics Enforcement. DSI will continue to conduct screenings as part of a DSI certification DSI will continue to conduct screenings as part of a DSI certification. DSI ceased conducting screenings that are not part of a DSI certification request as of 1 April 2022. Alternative for new screenings after 1 April 2022: Validata Group DSI strives to offer its screening clients a quality alternative for employee screenings. So we are pleased to announce that after a careful selection process, the Board of DSI has chosen Validata Group to conduct employee screenings. Why Validata Group? Validata Group is a professional screening organisation with many years of experience in the field of employment screening Validata places a high value on quality certifications (incl. ISO), IT security and privacy. Validata has a modern IT platform that supports or facilitates all of the most common connections with (potential) customers’ HR software applications. Plus, Validata already serves many major employers in the financial sector. That gives us every confidence that Validata is the high-quality professional and flexible partner with whom DSI and our clients can do business, both today and in the future. Validata Group would be happy to discuss a potential partnership for screening your organisation’s employees. Click here for more information about Validata Group, their work methods, screening solutions and rates. DSI will process current screening requests until 1 May 2022. DSI will continue to process screening requests received before 1 April 2022. Professionals that had a request open on 1 April 2022 will have until 1 May 2022 to submit all of the necessary information. If the submission is not complete by then, DSI will no longer issue a screening report. All open screening requests must be completed by no later than 30 April 2022. On 1 May 2022, all screening requests with the following statuses will be archived: Status ‘New’ Status ‘Incomplete’ Status ‘Not complete’ DSI will no longer issue screening reports for these screening requests after the deadline. Special rate for screenings with the status ‘Not complete’ DSI will not send an invoice for every open screening request. Screening requests with the status ‘Not complete’ on 1 May 2022 will be billed for only 50% of the relevant screening fee. A standard DSI Pre-Employment Screening will cost € 67 ex VAT, or 50% of € 134 ex VAT. DSI will charge this amount for screening requests with the status ‘Not complete’, because DSI Screening Officers have worked on the requests and the request has been returned to the applicant to respond to feedback from DSI. This is not the case for other statuses, such as ‘Incomplete’, for which the DSI Screening Officers have not yet begun work. The MijnDSI Employer Portal dashboard shows which screenings are linked to you as an employer, and their status. Do you have any further questions? If you have any questions about DSI Certification, please visit the FAQ page with answers to the most frequently asked questions. We have created this DSI Certification FAQ page to offer you as a professional or employer practical tips on how to find your way in the DSI Certification process. The site also explains how to use the MijnDSI environment. If you cannot find your question in the FAQ page, or you need personal advice about requesting a specific certification, please feel free to contact us by mail at: certificering@dsi.nl or call us at 020-6201274. We would be happy to help you!
Stichting DSI focuses on core task Posted on November 23, 2021 at 12:03 pm.Written by Roeland Jongejan The Board of Stichting DSI has decided to phase out its screening activities in 2022. The choice was prompted by the foundation’s wish to focus again on its core tasks. The core task of the Stichting DSI, together with the sector, is to ensure greater public confidence in the investment sector. DSI does this by: Formulating standards for knowledge, skills and integrity; Accrediting exams and training programs; Certifying professionals who comply with the standards drawn up by DSI and registering these professionals in the DSI Public Register; Addressing certified persons who violate the DSI code of conduct through DSI Disciplinary Law. DSI Screening In addition to employers from the investment sector, other employers from the financial sector also use DSI Screening, such as accountants. The personnel screening market is developing rapidly. To remain successful in personnel screening and to continue to meet customer needs, DSI needs substantial investment budgets and capacity to respond to developments. As a foundation, DSI does not have these budgets and capacity. The available budget and available capacity are necessary to fulfill the core task: ensuring greater public confidence in the investment sector. What does this mean for DSI Screening customers DSI is phasing out DSI Screening. The dismantling will not start immediately. Until at least the first quarter of 2022, the screening of personnel will be carried out by DSI. DSI strives to outsource the screening of personnel to a third party and periodically informs its customers about the progress. What does this mean for DSI Certificering customers DSI focuses on certifying professionals from the investment sector. DSI continues to screen existing and new staff for employers in the investment sector. For the time being, DSI will continue to do this itself. The screening of personnel will be carried out by DSI at least until the first quarter of 2022. DSI strives to outsource the screening of personnel to a third party. Of course, when selecting a third party, DSI takes the security & privacy requirements of our customers into account. What this means for DSI employees The employees of DSI were informed about the board decision in the morning of November 23, 2021. DSI periodically informs its employees about the progress and possible consequences of this decision. Questions? Do you have questions about this? For more information, please contact: pers@dsi.nl and/or telephone number: 020-765 28 88.