DSI in Het Financieele Dagblad: ‘A Completely Different Investment Sector Has Changed the Role of the Professional Institute’
On Friday, 4 October, a comprehensive article on DSI was published in Het Financieele Dagblad, focusing on the transformation of the investment world and DSI’s evolving role within it. The article, titled “DSI: The Investment World Has Completely Changed in 25 Years,” offers an in-depth look at the significant changes the sector has undergone over the past 25 years.
In the interview, Floris Mreijen, Managing Director of DSI, discusses the founding of DSI following the notorious Operation Clickfonds in 1997 and how the organisation has since evolved. “At that time, we were more focused on setting the standards that professionals involved in advising clients had to meet. But now, there is much more regulation, including international regulations, and we ensure that if you complete our accredited courses and work for a DSI-affiliated employer, you are certified by us and automatically meet those regulatory requirements,” Mreijen explains.
The article also highlights DSI’s collaboration with the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) and the benefits of DSI certification for financial institutions. “We have an agreement with the AFM that specifically addresses these requirements. That agreement states: if you are registered with DSI, we assume everything is in order,” Mreijen adds.
Additionally, the article touches on societal trends and challenges facing DSI, such as the rise of financial influencers (finfluencers) and the ongoing need for education and disciplinary measures for certified professionals.
Read the full article in Het Financieele Dagblad for more insights and details about the evolution of the investment world and DSI’s crucial role in it (note: the article may only be accessible to FD subscribers).