
DSI Register

The DSI Register Integrity lists professionals working in the financial sector who have successfully completed the DSI integrity program. These professionals place a high value on a financial sector in which consumers, entrepreneurs and financial institutions can do business with confidence.

The online programme offers participants basic knowledge of various aspects of ethics, integrity, behaviour and culture. A listing in the Integrity register shows that the professional meets the requirements for fair and honest behaviour as stipulated by DSI.

What does the register Integrity entail?

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Which professionals are listed in the register?

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Which conditions does DSI place on admission to the register?

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Register Integrity

For professionals working in the investment sector who have successfully completed the DSI integrity program

What does the register entail?

The importance of fair and honest behaviour for investment specialists is crucial in order to maintain the consumer’s trust in the financial sector. Incidents involving integrity and examples of potential mismanagement or a culture of fear top the headlines of newspapers every day. DSI strives to build a financial sector where fair and honest behaviour plays a key role in professional practice. The programme offers individuals a course of study that ensures professionals working in the financial sector all have a shared understanding of integrity and ethics within the sector. It is therefore vital for investment sector professionals to complete the training course.

Professionals listed in the DSI Integrity register must comply with the Code of Conduct drawn up by DSI. Certified Professionals listed in the DSI Integrity register have successfully completed examinations for knowledge and skills. They are the employees or contractors of organisations that are DSI participants. In the near future, the annual completion of the Continuing Professional Education programme will also be a requirement for inclusion in the register.

Who is listed in the register?

The DSI Integrity register lists professionals working in the investment sector who recognise the importance of fair and honest behaviour, and who wish to record that in a Public Register. The registered professionals include IT specialists, marketing professionals, front-office employees and/or management administrative assistants. These professionals work for a company or organisation that is a DSI participant, such as a bank, pension fund or asset management firm.

What must a registered professional know?

The knowledge that a professional registered in the DSI Integrity register must possess is listed in the DSI learning goals. These learning goals were drawn up by the DSI advisory committees and DSI Accreditation Committee.

A professional listed in the DSI Integrity register has acquired sufficient knowledge in the following areas:

  • Financial services;
  • New developments in legislation and regulations;
  • Supervisory bodies;
  • Self-regulation;
  • Compliance;
  • Behaviour and culture, including integrity risks;
  • Ethics in financial organisations;

Registration conditions

Which conditions does DSI place on admission to the register?

Admission to the register and maintenance of the certification status are subject to a variety of requirements.  A list of the various requirements are provided below.

Admission requirements

  • General admission requirements
    • The employer or client must be a DSI participant;
    • The candidate must complete a registration screening, unless previously screened by AFM/DNB for current position;
    • The candidate must agree to, and abide by the DSI Code of Conduct;
    • The candidate must maintain their level of knowledge of legislation and regulations.
  • Knowledge

    The candidate must have successfully completed the DSI General Integrity Program. This program consists of a general e-learning module created by the Netherlands Compliance Institute (Integrity module). For more information and registration, click here.

  • Certification fees

    You can find the fees for DSI Certification here.

More information

If you have any questions about the DSI register Integrity, and cannot find the answers in the FAQ page, please contact one of our DSI associates. We would be happy to help you! You can contact us by e-mail via or by calling 020-6201274.