Securities Trader

DSI Register

The DSI Securities Trader register lists professionals who process orders for options, indexes, equities and futures on behalf of risk-bearing financial organisations. These financial products are highly complicated in nature. The constant innovations and changes in equity and financial markets can make them even more complex.

As a Securities Trader, you must therefore meet certain requirements for professional expertise and skills. A listing in the DSI Securities Trader register shows that the security broker meets the strict requirements stipulated by the sector.

How do you apply for this certification?

Various requirements apply for admission and maintenance of this certification, ranging from admission criteria to mandatory participation in a Continuing Professional Education Program. Below is an overview of the requirements.

Certification always begins with registration at DSI. You can do this via MyDSI. This can be done before you meet all the requirements. We will then register you as a candidate-certified. Once you fully meet all the requirements, we will convert your registration to certified. View here step-by-step the application process for certification at DSI.

Admission requirements

  • General admission requirements
    • The employer or client must be a DSI participant;
    • The candidate must complete a registration screening;
    • The candidate must agree to, and abide by the DSI Code of Conduct;
    • The candidate must maintain their level of knowledge of legislation and regulations;
    • Since 2020, DSI-certified investment professionals must participate in an annual programme to maintain their professional expertise: the Continuing Professional Education Programme. For more information, click here.
  • Integrity

    For access to the financial sector and DSI registration, ethical behavior is crucial. As a certified individual, you are required to successfully complete the DSI Integrity Module. This module consists of two parts, for which you can enroll via the Dutch Compliance Institute:

    If you hold a CFA Level 1 or VBA diploma, you are exempt from the Workshop. In that case, you only need to complete the E-learning module.


  • Knowledge

    If you want to certify yourself for the DSI Securities Trader register, you must have completed one of the following courses:

    • NIBE–SVV: DSI Securities Trader exam, click here for the optional preparatory training.
    • Academic training in econometrics.
  • Work experience

    During a 12-month period (fulltime equivalent) over the past five years, the Certified Professional has spent a substantial portion of his/her time on register-related activities, whether in the current position or in previous positions.

  • Certification fees

    You can find the fees for DSI Certification here.

Securities Trader

For professionals who execute orders for financial organizations on options, indexes, shares and futures

What does the Securities Trader register entail?

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Which professionals are listed in the register?

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What does the Continuing Professional Education Program entail?

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What does the register entail?

A listing in the DSI Securities Trader register indicates that the professional possesses sufficient knowledge and skills pertaining to the purchase and sale of options, indexes, equities and futures. These financial products are often referred to as ‘securities’. The goal is to buy these securities for the lowest possible price, and sell them for the highest possible price. The sale of securities is subject to strict regulations. The regulations serve in part to protect the investor and encourage the sector to work fairly, honestly, transparently and efficiently.

Registered professionals may have one of two statuses: Certified Professional or Candidate Certified Professional. Both must comply with the Code of Conduct drawn up by DSI. The difference is in the level of education or work experience the professional has acquired. A professional can receive the status of candidate certified if they do not meet all of these requirements.

Certified Professionals listed in the DSI Securities Trader register have successfully completed examinations for knowledge and skills. During a 12-month period (fulltime equivalent) over the past five years, they have spent a substantial portion of their time on register-related activities, and have participated in the annual DSI Continuing Professional Education program.

Who is listed in the register?

The DSI Securities Trader register lists brokers working in the financial services sector, for example at an investment firm, bank or insurer. The professionals advise the risk-bearing financial organisations about the purchase and sale of securities.

What must a registered professional know?

The knowledge that a professional registered in the DSI Securities Trader register must possess has been determined by the DSI advisory committees and the DSI Accreditation Committee. A professional listed in the DSI Securities Trader register has acquired sufficient knowledge in the following areas:

  • Products (financial instruments) and their characteristics in his/her segment that are traded on the market for securities, options, and futures;
  • Basic principles of ‘fundamental analysis’ and ‘technical analysis’;
  • The market organisation, the organisation of trade and channels along which transactions can occur;
  • How transactions are administered, guaranteed, and processed;
  • Macro-economic variables that can influence the trade in securities, options, and futures;
  • Knowledge of international and financial markets and the relevant market parties;
  • The various forms of coverage instruments;
  • Which activities are prohibited by law or code of conduct, and why;
  • The rules for trading on the exchange;

Continuing Professional Education Program

Keeping your DSI certification up-to-date

As a DSI (Candidate) Certified Professional listed in the Securities Trader register, you are required to successfully complete the Continuing Professional Education program each year. You can choose from a variety of education institutions that are accredited to provide the Continuing Professional Education program.

Educational Institutions

Successful completion of the DSI Continuing Professional Education programme indicates that you have met all of the legal requirements for certification. More information about the Continuing Professional Education programme can be found here.

Please note: You are free to choose your preferred provider. We recommend that you ask your employer if the organisation has made any collective agreements with the education providers.

More information

If you have any questions about the DSI Securities Trader register, and cannot find the answers in the FAQ page, please contact one of our DSI Cusomer Care Officers. We would be happy to help you! You can contact us by e-mail via the contactform or by calling 020-6201274.