DSI Anniversary Celebration

25 years of Stichting DSI

On Friday, 4 October 2024, we celebrated a significant milestone: the 25th anniversary of Stichting DSI. For a quarter of a century, we have been working to strengthen trust in the investment sector, with integrity and professionalism as our foundation. This anniversary not only marked our past but also focused on the future of the industry.

During this event at the Beursgebouw in Amsterdam, two key themes were central: the rise of digitalization and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the important role of the investment industry in sustainability. With engaging contributions from renowned speakers and experts, we explored the latest trends and discussed the challenges faced by the financial sector.

Inspiring Keynotes

Keynote speakers such as Jos Heuvelman (AFM), Jorissa Neutelings (ABN AMRO), and Erik van Houwelingen (Van Lanschot Kempen) shared their insights on topics such as ethics in an age of AI and the fight against greenwashing. During interactive panel discussions, participants delved deeper into how the sector can continue to take responsibility in a rapidly changing environment.

Erik van Houwelingen 
CEO Van Lanschot Kempen
Investment Management

Jos Heuvelman
Member Executive Board
Autoriteit Financiële Markten

Jorissa Neutelings
Chief Digital Officer (CDO)

Jos Heuvelman congratulated us on our 25th anniversary and thanked us for the close collaboration with the AFM, particularly in the areas of professionalism and integrity in the financial sector. He discussed new challenges such as digitalization and the role of AI in the financial world. Heuvelman warned about the risks of AI, such as biases in algorithms, while also acknowledging the opportunities for fraud detection and efficiency improvement. He emphasized the importance of skilled and ethical advisors, especially in an increasingly digital world, and praised DSI’s role in promoting quality and trust in the sector. You can read Jos Heuvelman’s full speech here.

Erik van Houwelingen shared his personal journey regarding sustainability, highlighting some concrete examples of how Van Lanschot Kempen addresses this, such as working with a fully regenerative agricultural business producing olive oil. He challenged the audience to reflect on what personally motivates them, considering the importance of future generations, and to take action based on that. This can also be small, within your personal sphere of influence.

Jorissa Neutelings discussed the major trends that everyone in the financial sector should follow to remain successful in serving clients. The development of AI plays a significant role here, both in conversational AI and generative AI. Automation must be central to the service models, as clients increasingly demand hyper-personalized services based on experiences from other digital services. Safety is paramount, as banks act as a vault for all your data, presenting opportunities. Lastly, we need to think more in terms of ecosystems in the sector, where parts of the service can be integrated in collaboration with third parties. In a time of increasing polarization and decreasing trust in large institutions, integrity and an impeccable track record are crucial. You can view part of Jorissa’s presentation here.

Panel discussion

on sustainability in the financial sector.

During the anniversary event, an inspiring panel discussion began on sustainability in the financial sector, based on the recently published DSI whitepaper “Greenwashing: Let’s be Real,” which was released in October this year.

Harald Walkate (Route 17 / Universiteit van Zurich)

Harald Walkate
Route 17 & Universiteit van Zurich

Carola van Lamoen (Robeco & Eumedion)

Carola van Lamoen
Robeco & Eumedion

Erik van Houwelingen (Van Lanschot Kempen)

 Erik van Houwelingen
Van Lanschot Kempen

An expert panel, consisting of Harald Walkate (Route 17 / University of Zurich), Carola van Lamoen (Robeco / Eumedion), and Erik van Houwelingen (Van Lanschot Kempen), explored some thought-provoking questions: What do we actually mean by greenwashing? How can we effectively integrate elements such as “additionality” into labels or disclosure regulations? And how can we create an honest dialogue with consumers about what they can expect from the financial sector in addressing social issues?

Additionally, the discussion touched on how collaboration with governments can be improved so that the financial sector can optimally support the facilitative role of the public sector. This dynamic conversation highlighted not only the challenges but also the opportunities in the world of sustainable investing. It was a valuable session that inspired participants and prompted reflection on the future of the sector.

AI Artworks

By the DEAD-END AI gallery

In celebration of DSI’s 25th anniversary, we are proud to present a unique art collection curated by the AI artists of DEAD-END Gallery in Amsterdam. These artworks, unveiled during the anniversary event on October 4, creatively depict the themes of digitalization, sustainability, and integrity. Explore this extraordinary collection and be inspired by the reflection on the themes that have a significant impact on the financial sector now and in the future.

Ethical Currents
by Jaxon Nash

Learn more

Fractured Time of Digital Finance
by Emmett Anders

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Green alchemy
by Maximillian Hoekstra

Learn more

There were numerous attendees from various organizations associated with DSI, including DSI-certified professionals, committee members, and DSI participants. Representatives from industry organizations and educational institutions closely linked to DSI were also present. The intimate and interactive atmosphere fostered substantive dialogue and valuable networking and learning opportunities. This day once again highlighted the importance of craftsmanship and ethics in a sector that is constantly evolving.

We look back with pride on a successful anniversary gathering and are ready for the future, where we will continue to advocate for trust and integrity in the financial sector.