Welcome to DSI

Van Lanschot Kempen

Welcome to Stichting DSI. This page is a starting point for you as an employee of Van Lanschot Kempen to get step-by-step information about our organization and the added value  a DSI certification can mean for you.

Get to know one of the 12 different registers of DSI or find out which training institute you can attend to get certified. Learn about the Continuing Professional Education program and check the DSI Public Register to see who else is registered with DSI. Have any questions? Our Customer Care Officers are happy to help answer them.

Requesting and modifying a DSI Certification

How do you apply for a certification and how do you modify it?

Practical tips about your DSI certification

How do you make the most of your DSI certification?

DSI Certification

How does an investment professional apply for a DSI certification?

With a DSI Certification, professionals in the investment sector can demonstrate their competence and stay informed about the latest developments in integrity, knowledge, and skills. Over 5,000 professionals are currently certified and registered in the DSI Public Register.

As a new employee at Van Lanschot Kempen, you will receive a training overview in the VLK Academy and an invitation from DSI for the assigned DSI register. If you have any questions, please ask them via the HR Portal.

The process of applying for or modifying a certification involves several steps. In the overview below, we have outlined the process for applying for a DSI certification. Want to modify your certification? Visit this page for more information on how to modify a certification.

DSI Certification Guide

To determine which DSI certification best suits your role and/or responsibilities, DSI has developed a Certification Guide. Start the tool here to learn more about the different certifications.

More Information

Choose the right training provider

Employees of Van Lanschot Kempen follow the PE-program at either Dukers & Baelemans or The Ministry of Compliance. Further information can be found in the training overview in VLK Academy.

Go to VLK-Academy

Signing up for MyDSI

A certification begins in MyDSI (MijnDSI). MyDSI is a personal, secure online environment where professionals and employers can find all information and options regarding a DSI certification.

More Information

DSI certifications

DSI offers various registers for which professionals can obtain a certification. Visit the DSI Certifications overview for a list of all registers available for certification. This page provides details for each register including its content, applicability, and the requirements for full certification.

Difference between certified and candidate-certified

During the process of working towards a DSI certification, professionals begin as candidate-certified. At this stage, you adhere to the DSI code of conduct but may not yet meet all the educational and/or work experience requirements. The distinction between certified and candidate-certified is further explained here.

Continuing Professional Education

Up-to-date on the latest laws and regulations

DSI (candidate) certified professionals are annually assessed on integrity, knowledge, and competence through participation in the Continuing Professional Education (PE) program. Participation in this program is mandatory for both certified and candidate-certified individuals.

This program ensures that a DSI-certified professional stays informed about the latest laws and regulations, adeptly handles integrity dilemmas, possesses the necessary education and work experience and adheres to the DSI Code of Conduct. Employees of Van Lanschot Kempen participate in the Continuing Professional Education program through DSI-accredited training providers such as Dukers & Baelemans or The Ministry of Compliance. The PE program is automatically assigned in your training overview in VLK Academy.

Learn more about the Continuing Professional Education program

More information

Sign up for the PE program with Dukers & Baelemans or The Ministry of Compliance.

Go to the HR Portal

Make the most of your DSI certification.

Practical tips for (candidate) certified professionals

Thinking proactively about integrity

Would you like to actively contribute as a professional to DSI and our objectives in integrity and professional competence?

Sign up for the DSI Advisory Group

DSI Mediakit

Make your certification known to the public. Use templates and the DSI logo from the DSI Mediakit in communications with clients and on social media.

Check out the DSI Mediakit.

Enhance your LinkedIn profile.

Share on LinkedIn that you are DSI certified or you having passed the Continuing Professional Education program. Select “Stichting DSI” as the organisation.

Click here to share your certification.

What are the benefits of DSI certification?

A professional certified by DSI:

DSI Newsletter

Periodically, DSI releases a newsletter which we digitally distribute to all our contacts. In these newsletters, we share updates on disciplinary decisions, changes in legislation, developments related to DSI certifications, the Continuing Professional Education program and internal developments at DSI.

If you are interested in staying updated with DSI news, please sign up using the form below.

Privacy policy*

DSI Public Register

Professionals in the investment sector demonstrate their competence.

Employees of Van Lanschot Kempen who register through a DSI certification are listed in our Public Register. This allows anyone interested in doing business with a professional from Van Lanschot Kempen to easily look up their name in the register.

Both certified and candidate-certified professionals are listed in the DSI Public Register. Both adhere to the DSI Code of Conduct, which covers aspects like competence and integrity. The difference lies in completing the required education or having specific work experience. The distinction between certified and candidate-certified has been further explained here.

DSI Ethic Enforcement

A DSI (candidate) certified professional commits to adhering to the DSI Code of Conduct, which includes standards for competence and integrity. DSI Ethic Enforcement is applicable for enforcing this code. On this page, we explain what DSI Ethic Enforcement entails and how you or your colleagues can make a report if unacceptable behavior is observed.

Questions about DSI

Contact our Customer Care Team.

FAQ overview

Choosing or modifying a certification can raise questions, both for professionals and employers. We have compiled these questions on our FAQ page. This FAQ page is designed to provide practical guidance to you as a professional or employer on applying for, modifying or discontinuing a DSI Certification.

More Information

Would you like personalized advice on applying for a specific certification? Please contact our customer care officers via our contact page or call us at 020-6201274. We are here to assist you!