Management, Supervisory Board & Committees

Stichting DSI originated from the financial sector and plays an active role in enforcing strict self-regulation in the areas of professional competence and integrity, at the request of the financial sector itself. We highly value collaboration with all stakeholders in the industry.

This close collaboration allows us to stay informed about the latest developments and perspectives of the parties for which we were established. This partnership is integrated into the structure of our organization, including a Supervisory Board, Executive Director, and various committees.

Management and Supervisory Board

The executive director governs the foundation, while the Supervisory Board oversees the policies.

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DSI Ethics Committee

Ethics cases are heard and evaluated by the DSI Ethics Committee.

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DSI Appeals Committee

Handles appeals regarding the Ethics Committee’s verdicts.

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Management and Supervisory Board

Our Supervisory Board consists of five experts in the financial world. Their primary role is to oversee the policies of DSI’s Managing Director, Floris Mreijen. In addition, they have an advisory role. You can find the responsibilities and powers of both the Supervisory Board and the Managing Director in the General Regulations, which can be viewed here.

Floris Mreijen – Managing Director

“Together with our team of professionals, DSI’s advisory and disciplinary committees, representative organizations, and the board of our foundation, I enthusiastically work on strengthening and safeguarding integrity and professional competence in the financial sector.” Click here for more information about Floris and to easily get in touch with him.

Floris Mreijen - Managing Director DSI
Floris Mreijen – Managing Director DSI

Supervisory Board

Our Supervisory Board consists of five experts from the financial world, whose main task is to oversee the policies of Managing Director Floris Mreijen. In a previous post on our website, we introduced the members to you.

Raad van Toezicht Stichting DSI - vlnr: Erik Luttenberg, Daniëlle Melis, Jaco Aardoom, Tanja Nagel (voorzitter) en Theo Andringa
Supervisory Board Stichting DSI – vlnr: Erik Luttenberg, Daniëlle Melis, Jaco Aardoom, Tanja Nagel (chair) and Theo Andringa

Representative organizations:

DSI Ethics Committee

Is the DSI Ethics Committee consists of a number of independent experts who meet to hear ethics-related cases and come to a verdict after considering all the facts of the case. The verdicts may be appealed to the Appeals Committee.

  • mr. R.K. (Rein) Pijpers, chairman
  • mr. L. (Laura) Stortelder, secretaris
  • M.L.M.N. (Marieke) Heltzel, plaatsvervangend secretaris
  • mr. S.A. (Bas) Boele
  • mr. C.E. (Edgar) du Perron
  • drs. A. (Alae) Laghrich RMFI
  • prof. mr. dr. K. (Kleis) Broekhuizen
  • drs. S. (Saskia) Klep
  • drs. J.N.M. (Hans) Pieterse

The document below (.pdf) provides an overview of the committee members’ professional details and ancillary positions.

DSI Ethics Committee – professional details and ancillary positions

Appeals Committee

The verdicts of the DSI Ethics Committee may be appealed to the Appeals Committee. The Appeals Committee consists of the following members:

  • mr. Tj. Zuidema (Voorzitter)
  • mr. J.W.M. Tromp (plaatsvervangend Voorzitter)
  • mr. J. (Jaap) Drijftholt (secretaris)
  • mr. dr. S.B. (Sander) van Baalen
  • mr. C. (Conny) H.M. van Altena
  • mr. H. (Herman) Veerbeek
  • mr. E. (Edwin) J. Weller
  • mr. ML. (Marie-Louise) C.M. van Kalmthout
  • mr. D. (Danielle) M. Geelen
  • mr. A. (Lex) R.O. Mooy
  • The document below (.pdf) provides an overview of the committee members’ professional details and ancillary positions.

Appeals Committee – professional details and ancillary positions

DSI Accreditation Committee

Accredits institutions that provide education and/or examinations.

more information

DSI Advisory Committees

Consists of experts from the investment sector for the various certification categories.

more information

DSI Arbitration Committee

Evaluates disputes pertaining to certification between DSI and third parties.

more information

DSI Accreditation Committee

DSI accredits providers of educational programmes and examinations. Successful completion of an accredited study programme or examination is a requirement for a Certified Professional’s inclusion in one of our registers. Institutes offering education and/or examinations may apply for accreditation from our Accreditation Committee. 

The Accreditation Committee’s duties include:

  • Deciding on the accreditation of initial study programmes.
  • Keeping the qualifications for training courses and examinations up-to-date.
  • Assessing whether the study programmes applying for accreditation meet the qualifications stipulated in 4.1.2.
  • Accrediting Life-Long Learning programmes.

The Accreditation Committee considers the recommendations of the relevant Advisory Committees when making its decisions regarding accreditation. The Accreditation Committee meets at least twice per year. If you have any questions about the Accreditation Committee, please feel free to contact Mr. M.A. van der Lecq, Secretary by phonenumber +31 (0)20 – 535 6 176  or by our contactform.

DSI Accreditation Committee

  • C. (Clemens) Spoorenberg, chairman
  • L.F.M.P. (Bert) van den Broek
  • Drs. R.A.M. (Ronald) Janssen
  • Dr. R. (Ronald) van Dijk
  • Mr. dr. E.J. (Emanuel) van Praag
  • M.L.M.N. (Marieke) Heltzel
  • mr. M.A. (Mark) van der Lecq, treasurer

DSI Advisory Committees

DSI has several advisory committees for the various certification categories. These diverse committees of experts from the financial sector evaluate the quality of study programmes and examination procedures to assist in the preparation of the Accreditation Committee’s work.

Advisory Committees Retail

  • T. (Thomas) Benders
  • A. (Annika) Soutendijk
  • F. (Frank) Hoogendijk
  • M. (Michiel) van Vugt
  • S. (Stella) Posthumus
  • M.H. (Maarten) Oortwijn

Advisory Committees Institutional

  • S. (Sjoerd) van Peer
  • T.G.A. (Jos) Keijzers
  • G.J. (Gerben) de Zwart
  • J. (Jasper) Valstar
  • M. (Maarten) Blankevoort
  • A (Amresh) Jagessar
  • E. (Emiel) Goemans

Advisory Committees Integrity

  • F. (Françoise) Rost van Tonningen, chairman
  • H.P.M. (Henri) Ruijgrok
  • F. (Floris) Demenint
  • E.E. (Edwin) van Bruggen
  • G. (Gijs) Verschuuren

Advisory Committees Broker

  • E.E. (Edwin) van Bruggen
  • R. (Rob) Wesselius

Advisory Committees Compliance Professional

  • Drs. H.P.M. (Henri) Ruijgrok RA, chairman
  • S (Sandra) de Jong-Wester
  • R (Raymond) Höhle
  • K (Karen) Klaver
  • J (Jerzy) Havers

Advisory Committees Investment analyst

  • H.H. (Harman) Kloos RBA

DSI Arbitration Committee

The DSI Arbitration Committee evaluates disputes pertaining to certification between DSI and third parties, subject to the Dispute Resolution Regulations. DSI and the DSI participants are both subject to the provisions of the Dispute Resolution Regulations.

The decisions of the Disputes Committee are public and can be requested through the contact form on the DSI website. If you would like more information, feel free to contact DSI.