Melding maken

De wet stelt een aantal voorwaarden aan het tuchtrecht. Wij kunnen daarom niet alle meldingen in behandeling nemen. Om teleurstelling te voorkomen willen we alvast de volgende controlevragen aan u stellen.


Does your report involve a specific individual?

You answered No to this question. Your report therefore does not meet the statutory requirements. Stichting Tuchtrechtbanken unfortunately can not process your report.


You can only make a report if an individual has violated the Banker’s Oath. For this reason, it is important that you at least know the first name and surname of the individual and the name of the organisation at which he or she works or has worked.


Does your report involve the behaviour of a specific individual?

You answered No to this question. Your report therefore does not meet the statutory requirements. Stichting Tuchtrechtbanken unfortunately can not process your report.


The Banker’s Oath only concerns the behaviour of individuals. If you are of the opinion that a financial institution has violated the rules, then please contact the Kifid at


Did this behaviour take place after 1 April 2015?

You answered No to this question. Your report therefore does not meet the statutory requirements. Stichting Tuchtrechtbanken unfortunately can not process your report.


The Banker’s Oath came into force on 1 April 2015. The Ethics Committee may only deal with behavioural violations that took place on or after this date.


Was the individual in question in the employment of a bank with an office in the Netherlands at the time?

You answered No to this question. Your report therefore does not meet the statutory requirements. Stichting Tuchtrechtbanken unfortunately can not process your report.


The Banker’s Oath only applies to individuals who have taken the oath in the Netherlands and who are employed at an organisation that is based in the Netherlands.


Are you seeking financial compensation?

You answered Yes to this question. Your report therefore does not meet the statutory requirements. Stichting Tuchtrechtbanken unfortunately can not process your report.


The Foundation for Banking Ethics Enforcement cannot obtain financial compensation. In the Netherlands, financial compensation may be sought through civil court.


Has the person you want to report violated at least one of the rules of conduct of the Banker's oath?


A person about whom you wish to make a report must have broken at least one of the following rules of conduct in the Banker’s Oath. You can find the rules of conduct here.

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