DSI Register
Organisations and businesses active in the financial sector are subject to an increasing number of requirements. These companies also frequently institute detailed norms for integrity to manage the organisation’s risks. Managing compliance risks requires considerable knowledge and skill from the responsible employees. A listing in the DSI Compliance Professional register shows that the professional meets the strict requirements stipulated by the sector.
Various requirements apply for admission and maintenance of this certification, ranging from admission criteria to mandatory participation in a Continuing Professional Education Program. Below is an overview of the requirements.
Certification always begins with registration at DSI. You can do this via MyDSI. This can be done before you meet all the requirements. We will then register you as a candidate-certified. Once you fully meet all the requirements, we will convert your registration to certified. View here step-by-step the application process for certification at DSI.
To register for the DSI Compliance Professional register, you must have successfully completed one of the following courses:
Comparable (foreign) compliance courses may suffice under certain conditions.
During a 12-month period (fulltime equivalent) over the past five years, the Certified Professional has spent a substantial portion of his/her time on register-related activities, whether in the current position or in previous positions.
You can find the fees for DSI Certification here.
For specialists such as compliance officers, CDD analysts and KYC analysts
The DSI Compliance Professional register is intended for compliance professionals working in the financial sector. A listing in the DSI Compliance Professional register indicates that the professional possesses sufficient knowledge and skills pertaining to the applicable legislation and regulations, compliance risks and the solution of compliance incidents. In the financial services sector, the legislation and regulations deal with the rules imposed on companies and institutions by the government and financial supervisory bodies like De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) and the Financial Markets Authority (AFM).
A registered professional must comply with the ESMA guidelines in the areas of knowledge and competency. The branch organisations and DSI participants consider the successful completion of a DSI-accredited examination to be a suitable qualification for the proper conduct of the professional’s work.
Registered professionals may have one of two statuses: Certified Professional or Candidate Certified Professional. Both must comply with the Code of Conduct drawn up by DSI. The difference is in the level of education or work experience the professional has acquired. A professional can receive the status of candidate certified if they do not meet all of these requirements.
Certified Professionals listed in the DSI Compliance Professional register have successfully completed examinations for knowledge and skills. During a 12-month period (fulltime equivalent) over the past five years, they have spent a substantial portion of their time on register-related activities, and have participated in the annual DSI Continuing Professional Education program.
The DSI Compliance Professional register lists specialists working at security- and credit institutions, pension funds, savings banks and insurers. These specialists may be employed as compliance officers, CDD analysts or KYC analysts, for example. The compliance professionals assist the management of the financial firm in managing the financial enterprise’s compliance risks. The compliance officer is usually appointed by the organisation’s highest management body (Board of Directors, etc.). The professional is fully independent, and enjoys a high level of legal protection.
The knowledge that a professional registered in the DSI Compliance Professional register must possess has been determined by the DSI advisory committees and the DSI Accreditation Committee. A professional listed in the DSI Compliance Professional register has acquired sufficient knowledge in the following areas:
Keeping your DSI certification up-to-date
As a DSI (Candidate) Certified Professional listed in the Compliance Officer register, you are required to successfully complete the Continuing Professional Education program each year. You can choose from a variety of education institutions that are accredited to provide the Continuing Professional Education program.
Successful completion of the DSI Continuing Professional Education program indicates you have met all of the legal requirements for certification. More information about the Continuing Professional Education programme can be found here.
Please note: You are free to choose your preferred provider. We recommend that you ask your employer if the organisation has made any collective agreements with the education providers.
If you have any questions about the DSI Compliance Officer register, and cannot find the answers in the FAQ page, please contact one of our DSI Cusomer Care Officers. We would be happy to help you! You can contact us by e-mail via the contactform or by calling 020-6201274.